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Top 10 Nelson Mandela Quotes to Ignite Your Journey to Success

"The biggest triumph in life isn't avoiding failure but rising stronger each time we stumble."

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"The mightiest tool for transforming the world is education."

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"Tasks often seem insurmountable until we take the bold step to accomplish them."

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"True bravery doesn't mean absence of fear, but the triumph over it."

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"I discovered that courage is not the lack of fear, but the ability to overcome it."

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"A combination of a wise mind and a compassionate heart is an unstoppable force."

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"Measure my character not by my victories, but by the times I fell and rose again."

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"Freedom isn't merely shedding chains; it's living in a way that respects and elevates the freedom of others."

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"I'm not a saint, unless you view a saint as someone who keeps striving despite imperfections."

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"Holding onto resentment is akin to ingesting poison while expecting your enemies to suffer."

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Change Your Work Ethic with 10 Powerful Quotes from Steve Jobs

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