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Best 10 Inspiring Nelson Mandela Quotes to Fuel Your Path to Success

"Things often seem tough until you actually accomplish them."

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"A winner is someone who dreams and persists without giving up."

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"Education has the incredible power to transform the world."

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"The real glory in life comes not from avoiding falls but from getting up every time we stumble."

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"Don't measure my success by what I achieved but by how many times I faced setbacks and kept going."

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"Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's overcoming it."

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"I'm not a perfect person; I'm someone who never stops trying."

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"True leaders are willing to sacrifice for the freedom of their people."

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"Bravery isn't the absence of fear but triumphing over it."

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"Leadership is about putting others first, celebrating victories with them, and taking the front line in times of danger."

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Change Your Work Ethic with 10 Powerful Quotes from Steve Jobs

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