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Top 10 Muniba Mazari Quotes To Help You Think Big

"Don't let your disability be an excuse for not achieving something big in life."

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"You are not what happened to you; you are what you choose to become."

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"Your wings may be broken, but don't let your spirit go down."

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"You are not limited by your circumstances. You are limitless in your potential."

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"Your scars are symbols of your strength. Embrace them; they make you unique."

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"You are not just a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop."

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"No matter how difficult life gets, the moment you start thinking big, miracles happen."

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"Your dreams should be so big that they scare you, but at the same time, they excite you."

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"Turn your setbacks into comebacks and your weaknesses into your strengths."

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"Your life is a canvas; paint it with the colors of your dreams."

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Your Daily Inspiration with 10 Uplifting Quotes from Malala Yousafzai

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