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Top 10 Motivational Quotes by Albert Einstein's to Ignite Your Inspiration

"Imagination surpasses knowledge's boundaries. It's the catalyst for progress, ushering in evolution."

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"Life mirrors a bicycle ride; balance is maintained by continuous motion."

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"Strive not solely for success but to enrich the world with your value."

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"Yesterday's lessons shape today, while tomorrow is brightened by unceasing inquiry."

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"Logic charts a path from point A to B, while imagination is boundless, exploring every frontier."

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"Praise's corruptive influence can be thwarted by unwavering dedication to one's endeavors."

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"Intelligence is truly illuminated by imagination rather than mere knowledge."

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"Our problems persist because we persist in using the same mindset that birthed them."

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"Mistakes are the stepping stones to innovation; they signal attempts at new horizons."

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"Success is found not in accolades but in the depth of one's contribution."

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Top 10 Quotes by Sadhguru That Will Change How You Think About Life

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