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Top 10 Motivational Quotes by Albert Einstein to Ignite Your Inner Fire

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To stay balanced, keep moving forward."

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"Imagination is powerful. It's more important than knowing everything because it opens up the whole world, sparking progress and change."

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"In tough times, you can find opportunities in the middle of challenges."

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"Instead of chasing success, focus on being valuable to others."

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"Mistakes are part of trying new things. Don't be afraid to make them."

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"Learn from what happened yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. Always ask questions."

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"Logic helps you get from one point to another, but imagination can take you anywhere."

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"Being a person of value is more important than being a person of success."

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"People with great ideas often face strong opposition from those with average thinking."

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"Making mistakes is part of trying new things. It's a sign of growth."

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Top 10 Quotes by Sadhguru That Will Change How You Think About Life

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