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Top 10 Motivational Quotes by Acharya Prashant to Ignite Your Passion

"To understand the world, begin with understanding yourself; wisdom starts from within."

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"The mind is a powerful instrument; use it wisely, for it can create both heaven and hell."

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"Peace is not the absence of turmoil but the ability to find serenity amidst life's storms."

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"Life's canvas is painted with the colors of your thoughts; choose hues that create a masterpiece."

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"Happiness is not a pursuit; it's a state of being that unfolds when you align with your true self."

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"Freedom is not the absence of constraints but the ability to choose your response to them."

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"To live authentically, shed the layers of conditioning and societal expectations; embrace your true nature."

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"Wisdom is not in accumulating knowledge but in the discernment to distinguish the essential from the trivial."

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"Every setback is a setup for a comeback; resilience is the key to transforming challenges into triumphs."

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"To be truly alive is to be fully present; savor the moments and experience life in its entirety."

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Change your Perspective with Top 10 uplifting Quotes from Sadhguru

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