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Embrace Positivity with the 10 Inspirational Quotes from Sadhguru

"Happiness is not a pursuit; it's a consequence of aligning your inner and outer worlds."

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"In the grand tapestry of existence, you are both the weaver and the woven."

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"Success is not a destination; it's a continuous journey of conscious evolution."

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"The true purpose of life is not just survival but experiencing the profoundness of existence."

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"Comparison is the root of all dissatisfaction; celebrate your uniqueness and others' diversity."

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"Empowerment is not about overpowering others; it's about realizing your innate strength."

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"Silence is not an absence of sound but a profound presence of stillness within."

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"Your journey is a sacred pilgrimage; tread it with mindfulness, love, and a sense of wonder."

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"Your well-being is not determined by external situations but by the quality of your inner experience."

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"The key to a joyful life is not in having more but in being more."

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Top 10 Inspiring Quotes by jaya kishori  to Shift Your Mindsets

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