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Change your work ethic with 10 Motivational Quotes from Steve Jobs

"If you want to be satisfied in life, do work that you believe is great."

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"Listen to your own voice and don't let others' opinions drown it out."

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"Don't waste time living someone else's life; make the most of your limited time."

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"Follow your heart and intuition because they know what you really want to do."

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"Always stay hungry for success and don't be afraid to be a little foolish in your pursuits."

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"Perseverance is a key factor that separates successful people from others."

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"Leaders are distinguished by their ability to innovate."

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"Find passion in your work; it makes the journey more fulfilling."

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"If you love what you're working on, you won't need external motivation. Your vision will drive you."

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"Mistakes happen when you're pushing boundaries. Admit them quickly and keep improving."

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10 Inspiring Quotes from Sandeep Maheshwari to Elevate Your Life

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