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Best 9 Inspirational Quotes by Albert Einstein to Spark Your Motivation
"Mistakes are stepping stones, not stumbling blocks, on the journey to mastery."
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"In life's tapestry, weave threads of kindness, empathy, and intellectual exploration."
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"Celebrate the beauty of simplicity; profound truths often hide in plain sight."
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"Embark on the noble quest for wisdom; let it be the compass for your life's journey."
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"Connect the dots between knowledge and compassionate action; seek deeper understanding."
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"Courage propels dreamers into achievers; gather it generously on your journey."
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"Invest your precious currency of time wisely in pursuits aligned with your authentic self."
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"Dive into the unknown, where groundbreaking discoveries await your exploration."
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"Live without fear of failure; dare greatly on the path to success."
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Top 10 Quotes by Sadhguru That Will Change How You Think About Life
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