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Best 10 Powerful Mother Teresa Quotes That Will Stay with You

"Share love wherever you go. Ensure that no one leaves your presence without feeling happier."

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"Instead of judging others, spend your time loving them."

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"While kind words are brief and easy to say, their impact resonates endlessly."

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"Great deeds may not be within everyone's reach, but small acts done with immense love can make a significant difference."

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"Don't wait for leaders to make a difference; start with individual acts of kindness."

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"The most devastating poverty is the loneliness and feeling of being unwanted."

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"Love, the greatest force in the universe, transcends boundaries on earth and in heaven."

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"The measure of our giving isn't in the quantity but in the love infused into each act of giving."

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"We may not accomplish grand feats, but we can perform small deeds with immense love."

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"Humble individuals remain unaffected by praise or criticism because they know their worth."

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10 Uplifting Quotes from Malala Yousafzai to Illuminate Your Day

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