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Best 10 Motivational Quotes by Elon Musk to Ignite Inspiration

"If something really matters to you, go for it, even if the odds seem against you."

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"Ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary; it's a matter of personal choice."

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"When faced with challenges, tackle them head-on, especially if what you're doing is significant."

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"Innovation involves the risk of failure. If you're not failing, you're likely not pushing the boundaries enough."

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"Learning patience is tough but essential; it's a valuable quality on the road to success."

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"Speaking things into existence may not happen immediately, but it often comes to fruition."

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"Persistence is key. Keep going until circumstances force you to reconsider."

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"Building a successful venture is like baking a cake – all ingredients must be in the right proportion."

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"Embrace negative feedback, especially from friends; it's a valuable source of improvement."

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"Putting your eggs in one basket is acceptable if you have control over that basket's fate."

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Jack Ma's Top 10 Quotes for Business, Success, and Life that Inspire

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