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Best 10 Inspirational Quotes by Albert Einstein to Increase Your Motivation

"Imagination beats knowledge; it takes us on adventures beyond the known."

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"Focus on being valuable to others, not just on personal success."

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"Keep questioning, learning from yesterday, living for today, and hoping for tomorrow."

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"Life's like riding a bicycle; to stay balanced, keep moving forward."

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"Logic gets you from A to B, but imagination takes you everywhere."

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"Mistakes are part of trying new things; they're lessons in disguise."

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"Strive to add value to the world, not just accumulate personal success."

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"Education extends beyond formal schooling; it's what remains when facts are forgotten."

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"Intelligence is more than just knowing; it's about creative thinking."

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"Don't wait for problems to pass; learn to find joy even in tough times."

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Top 10 Quotes by Sadhguru That Will Change How You Think About Life

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