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Best 10 Enlightening Quotes from Sadhguru to Revolutionize Your Perspective

"Your destiny is in your hands when you see life as a playground of endless possibilities."

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"True stability arises when you face life fearlessly and without hesitation."

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"Unleash your limitless capacity to love, reach out, and embrace life fully. The only limitation is in the mind."

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"True peace dawns when you confront life with undivided attention and unwavering focus."

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"The most beautiful moments occur when you express joy freely, not when you seek it desperately."

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"Success is not the goal; seek competence, empowerment, and strive for nothing less than your personal best."

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"Joy is not derived from external actions; it emanates from the essence of how you exist in the world."

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"Live with an abandon born out of joy, and you will experience life at its fullest."

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"To be spiritual is to become the sovereign ruler of your inner self."

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"Don’t pursue success; pursue excellence and empowerment, and success will naturally follow."

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Boost your Motivation with 10 Uplifting Quotes from Acharya Prashant's

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