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Albert Einstein's Top 10 Inspirational Quotes to Fuel Your Inner Passion

"Imagination is powerful. It's more important than just knowing things. When you imagine, you open up the entire world and encourage progress."

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"Don't aim to be successful just for the sake of it. Instead, focus on being someone who adds value to others."

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"Life is like riding a bicycle. To stay balanced, keep moving forward."

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"Learn from what happened yesterday, live in the present, and have hope for tomorrow. The key is to keep asking questions and stay curious."

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"Don't seek success as the ultimate goal. Strive to be a person who contributes value to the world around them."

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"Great minds often face strong opposition from those with average thinking."

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"Logic helps you move from point A to B, but it's imagination that takes you everywhere."

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"Mistakes are part of trying new things. If you've never made a mistake, you haven't ventured into new territory."

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"Intelligence isn't just about what you know; it's about having a vivid imagination."

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"Never stop asking questions. Curiosity is a powerful force."

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Top 10 Quotes by Sadhguru That Will Change How You Think About Life

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