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9 Inspirational Quotes By Sadhguru That Will Inspire Your Change

"Live joyfully without the need to prove anything to others. Your life is a testament to your inner joy."

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"Infuse every activity with complete involvement; that’s the key to a purposeful life."

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"Live intensely, for the nature of the universe itself is intense. It’s a disservice to life not to live with absolute involvement."

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"Wisdom lies in constant wonder. Those who claim absolute certainty are often far from intelligent."

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"Measure your richness by the depth of your impact on others’ lives."

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"Embrace your unique way of being, for it defines your journey of becoming."

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"Open yourself to boundless possibilities if you seek a boundless existence."

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"In life’s journey, you will face obstacles, but making yourself pleasant ensures these obstacles won't be your adversaries."

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"Authenticity surpasses the need to outdo others; just be true to yourself."

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"Reject a limited experience of life; where limitations exist, possibilities await exploration."

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Boost your Motivation with 10 Uplifting Quotes from Acharya Prashant's

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