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Inspire Yourself with 10 Inspirational Quotes from Swami Vivekananda

"Avoid anything that weakens you physically, mentally, or spiritually, as if it were poison."

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"Take a moment each day to converse with yourself; you might miss a chance to meet an exceptional person in this world."

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"Your belief in God begins with believing in yourself."

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"Remember those who help you, love those who love you, and never betray those who believe in you."

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"True growth comes from within. Your soul is the ultimate teacher; embrace its lessons."

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"To find God, look within your own heart and see the divine presence in every living being."

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"Our thoughts shape who we are. Be mindful of your thoughts, as they have the power to travel far."

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"Prioritize relationships over everything else. However, for relationships to thrive, they must be infused with life."

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"Life is about relationships. Ensure that your connections are vibrant and filled with vitality."

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"The foundation of a fulfilling life lies in your relationships, but these connections must be alive with energy."

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Top 10 Uplifting Quotes by Gaur Gopal Das to Develop a Positive Mindset

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