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10 Inspiring Quotes from Swami Vivekananda to Ignite Your Motivation

"Dare to be free, follow your thoughts fearlessly, and implement them in your life."

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"Realize God within every human being. Treat everyone with reverence, for in doing so, you liberate yourself from all bondage."

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"Never utter 'no,' never declare 'I cannot,' for your potential is boundless. You can achieve anything."

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"Don't wait for anyone or anything. Do what you can, build your hope independently."

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"Engage in self-dialogue daily. It might be the key to encountering an extraordinary person—yourself."

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"Reject anything that weakens you—physically, intellectually, or spiritually. Consider it poison."

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"Learn the good from others, but absorb it in your unique way. Be yourself; don't imitate others."

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"Strength signifies vitality, hope, health, and all that is good. As long as your body lives, strength should prevail in your body, mind, and hands."

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"Condemn no one; if you can help, extend your hand. If not, bless others and let them pursue their own journey."

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"Believe in God by believing in yourself. Avoid hatred; it only returns to you. Love, and that love completes the circle."

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Top 10 Uplifting Quotes by Gaur Gopal Das to Develop a Positive Mindset

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