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10 Inspirational Quotes from Steve Jobs to Change Your Work Ethic

"Your job will take up a big part of your life, so it's essential to do work that you find truly fulfilling."

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"Don't let others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."

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"Follow your heart and intuition with courage. They already know what you want to become."

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"Life can be challenging, but don't lose faith during tough times."

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"Being innovative sets a leader apart from a follower."

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"Time is limited, so don't spend it living someone else's life."

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"To achieve great work, you must love what you do."

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"Stay hungry for success, and don't be afraid to be unconventional."

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"Have the courage to pursue your dreams and listen to your inner voice."

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"Work should be something you're passionate about, not just a task to complete."

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Success Journey with 10 Motivational Quotes from Cristiano Ronaldo

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