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10 Inspirational Quotes From Mother Teresa That Resonate Deeply

"Share love wherever you go. Ensure that everyone you encounter leaves with a brighter spirit."

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"Short, kind words may be easy to say, but their impact can reverberate endlessly."

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"While not all of us can accomplish grand feats, we can perform small acts with immense love."

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"Avoid judgment, for if you judge others, you won't have time to embrace them with love."

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"Love is the most profound force, the greatest science, both in heaven and on earth."

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"Our capacity for great actions may be limited, but we can infuse small actions with profound love."

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"Loneliness and the feeling of being unloved constitute the most distressing form of poverty."

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"Don't wait for leaders; start making a difference on an individual level."

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"The value of our actions lies not in quantity but in the love we infuse into them."

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"Maintain humility; it shields you from the impact of both praise and criticism, as you understand your essence."

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10 Uplifting Quotes from Malala Yousafzai to Illuminate Your Day

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