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Top 10 Profound Mother Teresa Quotes That Touch the Heart

"Maintain humility; it shields you from the impact of both praise and criticism, as you understand your essence."

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"Joy is a web of love that captures souls."

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"Find strength in fidelity to small things, for therein lies your true power."

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"Every smile you share is an act of love, a gift that adds beauty to someone's day."

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"Speak kind words; though brief, their impact resonates endlessly."

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"While I, alone, may not revolutionize the world, I can create a ripple effect with the stones I cast."

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"Intense love doesn't quantify; it simply gives."

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"Love is not condescending, and charity isn't about pity—it's about genuine affection."

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"Always greet others with a smile, as it signifies the commencement of love."

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"Every setback is a chance to play a memorable comeback shot; embrace challenges as opportunities for glory."

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Top 10 Profound Mother Teresa Quotes That Touch the Heart

Top 10 Profound Mother Teresa Quotes That Touch the Heart

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