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10 Inspirational Quotes from Elon Musk's to Ignite Your Motivation

"Ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary."

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"Enjoy working with the people around you; otherwise, both life and work become miserable."

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"Understanding the goal and its significance motivates people to work more effectively."

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"Demonstrate your product or service to attract venture capital for your business."

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"Pursue your goals, even when the odds seem against you."

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"Constantly strive for improvement and question your methods for better outcomes."

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"Visualize a future where things get better, not worse."

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"Seek negative feedback and use it constructively; it can be incredibly helpful."

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"Maintain optimism but be realistic about expectations for success."

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"Manage fear effectively; it can be distracting, affecting your nervous system."

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Jack Ma's Top 10 Quotes for Business, Success, and Life that Inspire

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