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10 Inspirational Nelson Mandela Quotes to Fuel Your Path to Achievement

"Winners are dreamers who persist no matter what."

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"Life's value lies not just in living but in the impact we have on others."

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"Playing small doesn't contribute to a fulfilling life; aim to live up to your full potential."

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"True courage involves forgiving for the sake of peace."

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"Goodness in people is a flame that can be concealed but never extinguished."

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"Real freedom can only be attained when women are liberated from all forms of oppression."

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"Denying human rights is a challenge to humanity itself."

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"Constructive efforts far surpass destructive ones."

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"I'm not a saint, unless you view a saint as someone who keeps striving despite imperfections."

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"After surmounting a great challenge, we often find more hills to climb."

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Change Your Work Ethic with 10 Powerful Quotes from Steve Jobs

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