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10 Heartfelt Quotes by Mother Teresa That Resonate Deeply

"Spread joy wherever your journey takes you. Ensure that every encounter leaves someone with a brighter spirit."

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"Avoid forming judgments about others; it steals time that could be spent on love."

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"Embrace the practice of infusing small deeds with immense love."

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"Gentle words may be brief, yet their impact resonates far beyond their utterance."

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"The craving for love proves more persistent than the yearning for sustenance."

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"While not everyone can accomplish grand feats, anyone can perform minor acts with profound love."

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"Our capabilities may not encompass monumental achievements, but we can excel in modest actions fueled by deep affection."

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"Even if feeding a multitude is beyond reach, nourish at least one soul with genuine care."

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"Individual efforts may not revolutionize the world, but they can create enduring ripples."

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"The supreme science, both in heaven and on earth, is the science of love."

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